Season 3 Launch Date
21st January 2023
That's right, we have a launch date for Season 3. Took us some time, but we are there, finally!
The trailer briefly reviews some of the main features released in Season 3. Mob Events, Skills, Custom Items, Warfare gold additions, Logging Camp revamp, Drop Parties, and Boosters.
However, there is still more. Between now and the 21st, we will post information about all of these updates, including some which aren't mentioned in the trailer. The first post will be about the Logging Camp revamp and the new Island Queue, finishing with the full changelog closer to launch. That includes all bug fixes and smaller QOL features/updates. Oh, and don't forget the Conquest trailer, coming out on the 17th of January. Going to make you wait for that beauty.
We will be running some giveaways over that time, there is one currently up on the trailer, see video description for details! How about we giveaway the new rank at some point?
Christmas is in a few days, happy Christmas to all who celebrate! Regardless, have a wonderful day.
Thanks so much for supporting this project. See you at the next post.
IC team